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MOVEMENT TIP: The Kipping Chest-To-Bar Pull Up

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Following on from last week’s kipping pull-up, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the kipping chest-to-bar pull-up for us this week. This is pretty much just like the kipping pull-up, except you’re working a little harder to create enough momentum to get your chest to the bar instead of just your chin over the…

MOVEMENT TIP: The Kipping Pull-Up

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Today, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the kipping pull-up. The kipping pull-up differs from the strict Pull-up in that it uses momentum to propel the chin over the bar instead of strict arm pulling strength. Before kipping, it is advisable to work on building the following to protect from injury:: – core strength,…

MOVEMENT TIP: The Kipping Toes to Bar

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The Toes to Bar, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart is very often the first kipping movement you come across in CrossFit. Kipping is really just the act of generating more movement through swinging, much like you did on the playground swing when you were a kid. However, one caution when doing…

MOVEMENT TIP: The Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-up

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CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the strict chest-to-bar pull-up, which is exactly like the strict pull-up, but you need to pullyourself higher, so that your chest can touch the bar, rather than just getting your chin over the bar. It is worth including this extra bit of height when working your supported and…